Block66 | Richtig investieren in Bitcoin und CryptoCoins mit Block66

Category: Tiendas Virtuales

oliver michel bitcoin

Michel Aglietta further differentiates between two types of trust that money strategy of “pacification” (Oliver, 1991, in Bernstein and Cashore, 2007) by cre-. Matthew Monaco,; Oliver Michel profile image Oliver Michel,; Eric Crypto-Book: an architecture for privacy preserving online identities · John Maheswaran. View Oliver's full profile · People also viewed · Max Kleucker · Svetlana Cherepanova · Marcus Delp · Antonio Troiano · Frieder Wilhelm Olpen · Kevin Raddatz.

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in Bitcoin and
with block66

Oliver Michel

Born in 1962

Professional background

  • 1983 – 1987 Telecommunications studies at Fulda University of Applied Sciences
  • 1987 – 2000 Founder and Managing Director of ExperTeach GmbH
  • 2001 – 2016 Founder, CEO and shareholder of MAX21 AG
  • Since 2016 Foundation and construction of Block66
  • Since 2016 member of the supervisory board of MAX21 AG
  • Since 2012 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GFN AG
  • Since 2003 founder and chairman of the Linux Professional Institute e.V.


In the 90s, I fully participated in the telecom and internet hype, both technically from my position in ExperTeach and as a shareholder. And I have collected a lot of experience on the stock exchange, positive and negative. To the feeling of what a real stock market crash feels like.

In my second career I have dedicated myself to the topic Linux and Open Source. At the beginning of 2000, these topics were something special, today it’s Commodity. In the subsidiaries of the MAX21 products have been developed such as the ePost-Business-Box, which is used by Deutsche Post AG for the digitization of mail, or the LinOTP for strong 2-factor authentication, ranked by Gartner among the top 10 products for authentication worldwide, and by the BSI is used in Germany itself and is also recommended.

With the MAX21 I made an initial public offering / IPO in November 2006 and carried out many capital increases with the Who’s Who of the German small and micro cap scene as investors until my exit from the MAX21.

From 2016 it is now in the supposedly last professional section. Topic are the CryptoCoins and thus the digitization of the money. Under the heading Block66, the stated goal is to profitably invest both my own money and the funds of those who follow me according to the approach of social trading or social investing.

Internet / Telecommunications – Linux / OpenSource – Bitcoin / CryptoCoins

Three big waves and developments. With all the experience from the first two waves, I assume that with the third wave, which is building up so slowly, I can write a very special story of success.

+49 175 7222351


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