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btcompoundshape example

btCompoundShape change child after it attached to rigidbody #1737 Please zip a small modified Bullet example to reproduce your problem. The following code is taken from Bullet sample, I made some 0.5f)); btCompoundShape* compound = new btCompoundShape(); btTransform. Example: void btCompoundShape::addChildShape (const btTransform & localTransform, btCollisionShape * shape) I can't understant it,How.

Btcompoundshape example - something

The btCompoundShape allows to store multiple other btCollisionShapes This allows for moving concave collision objects. More...

Public Member Functions

 BT_DECLARE_ALIGNED_ALLOCATOR ()  btCompoundShape (bool enableDynamicAabbTree=true, const int initialChildCapacity=0) virtual ~btCompoundShape () void addChildShape (const btTransform &localTransform, btCollisionShape *shape) virtual void removeChildShape (btCollisionShape *shape) Remove all children shapes that contain the specified shape. More...
 void removeChildShapeByIndex (int childShapeindex) int getNumChildShapes () const  btCollisionShape * getChildShape (int index) const btCollisionShape * getChildShape (int index) const  btTransform & getChildTransform (int index) const btTransform & getChildTransform (int index) const  void updateChildTransform (int childIndex, const btTransform &newChildTransform, bool shouldRecalculateLocalAabb=true) set a new transform for a child, and update internal data structures (local aabb and dynamic tree) More...
 btCompoundShapeChild * getChildList () virtual void getAabb (const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const  getAabb's default implementation is brute force, expected derived classes to implement a fast dedicated version More...
 virtual void recalculateLocalAabb () Re-calculate the local Aabb. More...
 virtual void setLocalScaling (const btVector3 &scaling) virtual const btVector3 & getLocalScaling () const  virtual void calculateLocalInertia (btScalar mass, btVector3 &inertia) const  virtual void setMargin (btScalar margin) virtual btScalar getMargin () const  virtual const char * getName () const  const btDbvt * getDynamicAabbTree () const  btDbvt * getDynamicAabbTree () void createAabbTreeFromChildren () void calculatePrincipalAxisTransform (const btScalar *masses, btTransform &principal, btVector3 &inertia) const  computes the exact moment of inertia and the transform from the coordinate system defined by the principal axes of the moment of inertia and the center of mass to the current coordinate system. More...
 int getUpdateRevision () const  virtual int calculateSerializeBufferSize () const  virtual const char * serialize (void *dataBuffer, btSerializer *serializer) const  fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure) More...
  Public Member Functions inherited from btCollisionShape BT_DECLARE_ALIGNED_ALLOCATOR ()  btCollisionShape () virtual ~btCollisionShape () virtual void getBoundingSphere (btVector3 &center, btScalar &radius) const  virtual btScalar getAngularMotionDisc () const  getAngularMotionDisc returns the maximum radius needed for Conservative Advancement to handle time-of-impact with rotations. More...
 virtual btScalar getContactBreakingThreshold (btScalar defaultContactThresholdFactor) const  void calculateTemporalAabb (const btTransform &curTrans, const btVector3 &linvel, const btVector3 &angvel, btScalar timeStep, btVector3 &temporalAabbMin, btVector3 &temporalAabbMax) const  calculateTemporalAabb calculates the enclosing aabb for the moving object over interval [0..timeStep) result is conservative More...
 bool isPolyhedral () const  bool isConvex2d () const  bool isConvex () const  bool isNonMoving () const  bool isConcave () const  bool isCompound () const  bool isSoftBody () const  bool isInfinite () const  isInfinite is used to catch simulation error (aabb check) More...
 int getShapeType () const  virtual btVector3 getAnisotropicRollingFrictionDirection () const  the getAnisotropicRollingFrictionDirection can be used in combination with setAnisotropicFriction See Bullet/Demos/RollingFrictionDemo for an example More...
 void setUserPointer (void *userPtr) optional user data pointer More...
 void * getUserPointer () const  void setUserIndex (int index) int getUserIndex () const  virtual void serializeSingleShape (btSerializer *serializer) const  
btcompoundshape example

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